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Autentic Bug Bounty Program - $12 000


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Autentic Bug Bounty Program - $12 000

Welcome to the official Autentic Bug Bounty Program landing page! Join us in our quest to secure the Autentic platform and earn rewards in AUT tokens.

🚀 Launch Announcement

Exciting Launch of Autentic Bug Bounty Program! Registered participants, start your engines for bug hunting today! 🕵️♂️🚀


Program Overview

Starting immediately, you are invited to probe the depths of the Autentic platform for vulnerabilities. Your skills are vital for enhancing the security of our unique tokenization platform.

Rewards - 💰 Prize Fund: $12,000 in AUT Tokens

Earn AUT tokens for every bug you squash! This is your chance to make a difference and be rewarded for your valuable input.

Reward Distribution The $12,000 prize fund will be distributed among participants based on the severity and impact of the bugs discovered. Here's how we categorize bugs and allocate rewards:

- Critical Bugs: Earn the highest rewards for identifying system-critical issues.

- High-Severity Bugs: Significant vulnerabilities come with great rewards.

- Medium-Severity Bugs: Discovering medium-level bugs will also fetch a handsome sum in AUT tokens.

- Low-Severity Bugs: Every little helps—low-severity bugs are also recognized and rewarded.


Our Discord server is the command center for all Bug Hunting communications. Collaborate, discuss, and stay up-to-date with the latest news.


📜 Rules & Conduct

  • Respect: Be courteous in chat. No insults or hate speech.
  • Content: Keep discussions on-topic. No politics, religion, or controversial subjects.
  • No Ads or Self-Promotion: Only with admin approval.
  • No Spam: Keep messages meaningful.
  • Moderation: Direct moderation concerns to admins privately.
  • Bots: Use them responsibly.
  • Content Guidelines: Follow Discord's content rules.
  • Language: English only, for now.

Please adhere to these rules to maintain a secure, ethical, and efficient environment.

 📅 Campaign Stages

Day 1: Registration and Role Assignment

- Register on Autentic Capital.

- Confirm participation via email.

- Join the Autentic Discord Server and declare participation.

- Await your "Bug Hunter" role.

- Familiarize yourself with the rules and FAQs.

- Campaign starts on February 6th at 8am UTC.

Days 2-7: First Bug Bounty Round

- Review program documentation.

- Add Soluchain Network to MetaMask.

- Verify your MetaMask Public Address.

- Begin hunting and reporting bugs.

Days 8-13: Second Bug Bounty Round

- Continue reporting bugs.

- Leaderboard updates and vulnerability assessments.

- Engage with organizers for clarifications.

Day 14: Summary and Program Conclusion

- Finalize bug hunting rounds.

- Summarize findings and prepare reports.

- Leaderboard announcements and acknowledgments.

- Distribution of gratitude for participation.

Days 15-18: Reward Distribution

- Rewards are distributed according to the leaderboard results.

🏆 Leaderboard & Rewards

Monitor your position and potential earnings on the leaderboard. Bugs are categorized by severity with corresponding rewards. Remember, the reward pool of 150,000 AUT tokens is limited!

📺 Tutorial & Resources

Don't miss the step-by-step tutorial on our YouTube channel for a smooth bug hunting experience. Access all necessary resources and links in the "Resource-links" channel on Discord.

Useful Links:

- Reporting Form

- Autentic Capital Registration

- Aut.finance Official Website

FAQ Quick Access

Get instant answers to common questions in our FAQ section. From participation details to reward timelines and how to submit bugs, find all you need to know to hit the ground running.

Network Parameters for SoluChain Testnet:

 - Network name: Soluchain Testnet EVM-Subnet 

- New RPC URL: [Node URL](https://node-avx-1.soluchain.ru/ext/bc/2Smsow4GjDpu2jQDGAVh85fWhXqx18iBnkPPHC1j8wTDpMgwdd/rpc) 

- Chain ID: 9900990099 

- Currency symbol: SOLU 

- Block explorer URL: [Blockscan](https://blockscan.soluchain.ru/) 

🪲 Happy Bug Hunting!

Join us in making Autentic the safest platform for tokenizing real-world assets. We value your expertise and look forward to your contributions. Good luck, and happy hunting! 🐛




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In the Russian-speaking forum, posts can be published that are either 1) Written entirely in Russian, or 2) If you use native language (for example, English), please use Russian version duplicated in the same post. Google translate is allowed. 

Publications that do not match these rules are moved to sections "English" or "Other".

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