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[SPN] SpartanCoin | Scrypt


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SpartanCoin is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on Litecoin v0.8.6.2 source code.

Algorithm: Scrypt
Max Coins: 100 billion SPN
Block Time: 120 seconds
Difficulty Retarget: Every block using Kimoto’s gravity well.
Block halving rate: 400,000 blocks

Pre-mined: 3% (for use in ICO only) see details here


150,000 SPN per block

Special block reward

Block 11 – 7,500 = reward 300,000 coins
Block 7,501 – 15,000 = reward 200,000 coins
Block 15,001 –22,500 = reward 100,000 coins
Block 22,501 –30,000 = reward 50,000 coins


Github Source
Source files

Windows wallet
Windows Wallet link

If you were part of the launch and had invalid address issue while solomining see this post

Mac wallet

Linux wallet

coming soon!

coming soon!

Reddit (Spartan) tip bot
coming soon!

Block explorer
coming soon!

coming soon!

okaypool.com accepting signups
hashing.at - 1% mining fee accepting signups
majorminers.com accepting signups
spn.poolest.com  PPLNS, 1% fee, vardiff
spn.pool.mn- pool offers its services at 0% fee
spn.hashfever.com PROP 1% fee - ( First 10 new accounts 0% fee )
spn.multi-pool.eu accepting signups
Spn.LightningHash.Com accepting signups - 0% Fees FOREVER - 1 minute payouts!

Configuration file

*nodes are already in the wallet - we are setting up more. if anyone is interested in providing nodes as well we can post them here. 


SpartanCoin will be dedicated to building a viable brand: Buying of goods & Services, Trading, Sponsoring, Donating and more.

One of our primary goals is to allow the use of SpartanCoins to sponsor individuals or events. There are so many people out there with a multitude of talents who bare that inner Spartan intensity needed to win. We want to reward those people. we want to give each and every person an opportunity. So we aren't just a coin... we are a community of doers. Game changers. Clutch players. We are Spartans.

We have a core target but will never limit our reach. Our future is without limits. With that in mind our Team has created a short term and long term goals itinerary to build the user base we need to grow the Spartan coin community. Some features we can build with our own resources and others we will need to employ individuals to build at an expedited rate.

Short term targets include:

    Android and iOS wallets with tipping/sponsorship/donation features.
    Facebook app for sending/receiving coins
    Twitter app for sending/receiving coins
    Youtube button for sending/receiving coins
    Website add-ons for sending/receiving coins on your personal/business website

Long term targets include:

    Ad based system for "adsense" style feature to earn coins via click-thru campaigns
    Our own personal exchange to allow people to swap altcoins for Spartancoins
    Hosted Pre-built splash page for setting up Sponsor/Donation page for anyone needing help.(signup screen and subdomain creation page as well)
    Paid Marketing campaign to build awareness for Spartancoin
    Promoting Spartancoin to major markets to buy goods and services

Spartancoin is a very ambitious project that needs your help and support. In addition to building a solid long standing coin on the outside, Spartancoin is looking to build an internal structure that is solid and strong enough to live forever. A strong product idea is great but won't last on its own. Even a solid marketing plan, though necessary, wont garauntee success. What we need is a strong internal community. We have created a 2 phase system to attract individuals who have the same desire as us. Our 2 phase system allows individuals to invest bitcoin to help us move our projects forward. The return for your support we will provide Spartancoins to each investor. We are also looking to send monthly coin distributions beyond the initial coins received. This is a long term opportunity for all those that believe in us. You can read more about the ICO available on the investment page. Spartancoin features are being built now.

Thank you all in advance for your support.

Questions see our FAQ or Contact  Us page.


THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SHARED OUR COIN INFO. WE HAVE HANDED OUT ALL 50 PROMOTIONAL ICO SLOTS. If you would like to invest in Spartancoin the ICO is still open. Join Our Community of Spartans Now.

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все годал, когда же появится монетка с этим названием =) но предпологал, что картинка у монеты будет вроде этой 




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