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[ANN] BitDonaTion - Blockchain Platform for Donation Transparency


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BitDonation is a platform that innovates the donation market and provides transparency through blockchain technology. The entire process of raising and using donations is transparently recorded on the blockchain, making our activities available to everyone. We ensure transparent and efficient use of donations through smart contract technology and contribute to strengthening the donation ecosystem.

 Key features and benefits of Bit Donation

Providing a transparent and safe donation environment using blockchain technology
Automatic donation and transparent donation process using smart contracts
Protecting donor assets and providing compensation to donors
Strengthening the donation ecosystem by minimizing misuse of donations

 Launch airdrop event!

 Participate in the airdrop and receive free tokens! 2,500 BDT tokens will be awarded. For more information, please visit [official website https://bitdonationst.com].

 Find us on social media too!

Official Telegram participation room https://t.me/bitdonationofficial
Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bitdonations/
Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557475634944&mibextid=ZbWKwL
Official Discord https://discord.gg/zJDVxbdk
Official KakaoTalk https://open.kakao.com/o/gqPz91ig
Official Twitter https://twitter.com/bitdonations
Official website https://bitdonationst.com

Event participation link bitdonationevent.com

Let’s open a new way to donate together! 

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