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Ищу работу на должность Оператор чата, Customer Support


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Приветствую. Ищу работу на должности оператор чата, саппорт. Опыт работы более 2х лет.

I worked for 5 years as an English teacher at kindergartens and schools in China, I moved back to Ukraine at 2019. In Ukraine I worked for 2 and a half years as a customer care at a cryptocurrency exchange company, but as there was no opportunity to work at home, I had no choice but to leave the job due to the war in Ukraine, I’m familiar with CRM system and looking for a new job as a Technical/Customer Support. I know how to work as a customer support, I used to work with chats, tickets, e-mails, accepting phone calls and also with an admin panel of the website, so I had to solve any kind of technical issues too. I will do my best to make customers happy and pleased with my service. I’m looking forward to an opportunity to find such a job, not only at any other cryptocurrency exchange, I can work as a customer support/care at any other sphere, as I’m experienced and I really love this kind of job.

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