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Antminer S17 20200427

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1 изображение

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Release Notes:

1. Enhance  anti-virus capability with  new security mechanism.
2. Add sleep mode.
3. Improve memory and temperature module.
4. Use new build tools to build firmware.
5. Remove the voltage calibration process.
6. Widen the scope of voltage difference inspection.
7. If upgrading the firmware through no keeping configuration file, it is need to configure miner account and miner pools to mine, otherwise(Upgrading through using keeping configuration file), it is no need to configure the miner and miner pools using previous miner settings to mine.  
Upgrade method:  
1. Check the current firmware version.
If the File System Version time is less than or equal to 2019,April 16, then
Upgrade the intermediate firmware V20190524 first.
Then upgrade the final firmware  V20200427.
update completed.
Directly upgrade the final firmware  V20200427.
update completed.
2. If you don't want to check the firmware version.
Upgrade firmware V20200427 directly.
If the mine upgrade is wrong: "Installer Not Signatured!!!" then
Upgrade the intermediate firmware V20190524  first.
Then upgrade the final firmware V20200427.
update completed.
update completed.

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