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Have you ever thought about the fact that you put coins in the Pool and get a better profit?  When you can keep MN and receive POS rewards, without installing a wallet on the VPS (in the cloud).  
BPC-Services - service BPC POS Pool, which will work at the expense of BPC coins on a multiplatform system (PC, mobile application).  Also this Pool will be an exchange where all commissions for exchange are collected in BPC. 
On this platform, you can keep MN and receive PoS - not only BPC rewards, but also any other coins.  
Inside our platform, you can exchange any other coin for BPC or BTC, provided that the user has BPC coins on his account that will be charged for the coin exchange.  

Coins in the user's purse are designed to strengthen the network, and the older they are, the better for the system and guarantees greater profits. The gradual and sustained growth of BPC is guaranteed by the fact that POW will continue to 1000 blocks, which means that owners of large capacities can not sell a large number of coins at the beginning of trading. The creators, in turn, will not be able to sell all the preamps, since most of them are going to promote the project.


Algorithm:  Scrypt

Type: PoS
Coin name:  BigProfitCoin
Symbol:  BPC
RPC port:  35548
P2P port:  35547
Block reward:  50 coins
Coin supply:  21649485 coins
Premine amount: 649485 coins
PoS percentage:  100% per year
Last PoW block   block: 1000
Min. stake age:    1 hours
Max. stake age: Unlimited
Coinbase maturity:  20 blocks
Target spacing:    60 seconds
Target timespan: 1 block
Transaction confirmations: 10 blocks











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BPC-Services is the POS / MN Pool crypto-currency platform + exchange!

   The number of crypto currencies exceeded one thousand by 2018.  And a huge number of exchanges on the market, which in our opinion behave not honestly with respect to investors and traders.  Most of the crypto-enthusiasts buy crypto currency looking only at the charts and some news, not knowing the mechanics of mining of the coin they are getting.
    Let's start with what is the dishonesty of exchanges in relation to its users.  If you have entered a coin on the stock exchange which includes PoS or MN mining and if it is on the wallet inside the exchange, then the exchange team receives the mining and you have not received more than the coins that you have on your internal wallet.  
   Thus, we believe that this is not fair to traders and investors.  And what about having an MN or PoS-coin, without renting different servers and buying expensive equipment? 
   We want to introduce our platform to BPC-Services - a service with the opportunity to receive MN and PoS - awards within the platform itself.  They can also be exchanged for any other coins available in the BPC-Services list.  
   Our team is looking for investors to attract 10 BTC, which will be needed to start the BPC-Services platform.  Also for initial advertising, with which we will convince users that they should pay attention to BPC-Services! 
   The BPC coin, which will be integrated into the platform as a unit of account, is already traded on the  crex24.com  exchange.  
   Volumes and the price of BPC will grow significantly after the creation of BPC-Services, because in order to use the service, you will need to own BPC coins! 
We put up for sale 200,000 BPC for the price of 10 BTC to create the initial platform and advertising.  
   The investor who acquired BPC automatically every month receives an interest from the income of BPC-Services in the equivalent of BPC.  A share of 200,000 BPC will account for 30% of BPC-Services revenue, i.e.  if you purchased 20,000 BPC - you will get 10% of the total 30%.
   The minimum investment threshold is 1000 BPC https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSca6xWtvMvwDbMq4h2rmaCN00-c-0tI_Tqwy1tF3BpaBRoQ8g/viewform




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Edited by biggg

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