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p2pool Децентрализованный пул

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обновился, но пиров не находит :(

Изменено пользователем Alard
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На jtoomimnet влючилась поддержка SEGWIT.
Всем, кто ставил его версию необходимо обновиться

Без сегодняшних патчей ноды не будут работать.

Необходим кошелёк btc1, исходники здесь: https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin


Нода стала ругаться, что 

Warning: A MAJORITY OF SHARES CONTAIN A VOTE FOR AN UNSUPPORTED SHARE IMPLEMENTATION! (v33 with 91% support) An upgrade is likely necessary. Check http://p2pool.forre.st/ for more information.

Warning: (from bitcoind) Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect

Как с этим быть? Забить?

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ForrestV обновил основной репозиторий п2пула https://github.com/p2pool/p2pool/

P2Pool релиз 17.0 - хеш коммита: 62fa7b020b82a92138d7652c26be2953b26fd4e5

HARDFORK - требуется СРОЧНОЕ обновление требуется в течение следующих нескольких дней.

Бинарный файл Windows: http://u.forre.st/u/iqvaqprd/p2pool_win32_17.0.zip
Двоичная подпись Windows: http://u.forre.st/u/ysrjpsls/p2pool_win32_17.0.zip.sig
Источник zipball: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/zipball/17.0
Исходный архив: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/tarball/17.0


* Совместимость с SegWit
* Увеличено ограничение размера транзакций на одну акцию, чтобы генерировать большие блоки
* Требуется биткойн> = 0.13.1

SegWit (segregated witness) ** уже активирован ** и владельцам нод необходимо обновить P2Pool чтобы продолжить работу без создания недействительных блоков. После 50% генерируемого обновлённым кодом, все ноды P2Pool начнут показывать предупреждение о том, что требуется обновление.
Достижение этой точки как можно быстрее очень важно. При генерации 95% обновлённым кодом, ноды, которые не обновились будут исключены.
Если не обновленные пользователи не будут исключены достаточно скоро, пользователи P2Pool будут вынуждены оплачивать другим пользователям недействительную работу - эффект атаки "удержание".

Из-за того, что SegWit уже активирует обновленных пользователей P2Pool, он не должен обрабатывать транзакции SegWit, поскольку они несовместимы со старыми версиями P2Pool. После активации акций v17 будет произведена новая версия, которая удалит это ограничение.

Итак, пожалуйста, обновите до 17.0 сейчас, а также скажите всем остальным.


P2Pool release 17.0 - Update urgently required

P2Pool release 17.0 - commit hash: 62fa7b020b82a92138d7652c26be2953b26fd4e5

HARDFORK - Upgrade URGENTLY required in the next few days.

Windows binary: http://u.forre.st/u/iqvaqprd/p2pool_win32_17.0.zip
Windows binary signature: http://u.forre.st/u/ysrjpsls/p2pool_win32_17.0.zip.sig
Source zipball: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/zipball/17.0
Source tarball: https://github.com/forrestv/p2pool/tarball/17.0


* SegWit compatibility
* Increased new transactions size limit per share to allow producing
larger blocks
* Requires Bitcoin >= 0.13.1

SegWit (segregated witness) **has already activated** and for P2Pool
to continue working without producing invalid blocks, everyone needs
to upgrade. At 50% of our hashrate upgrading, P2Pool instances will
start displaying a warning saying that an upgrade is required.
Reaching that point as quickly as possible is very important. And
then, at 95%, users that have not upgraded will be excluded. If
non-upgraded users aren't excluded soon enough, P2Pool users will be
subject to paying other users for invalid work - effectively a
withholding attack.

Due to SegWit already activating upgraded users of P2Pool must not
mine SegWit transactions as they are incompatible with older P2Pool
versions. After v17 shares activate a new release will be made which
removes this restriction.

So, please upgrade to 17.0 now and also tell everyone else to.


Изменено пользователем ISawa
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Привет. У кого-то есть наработки по созданию нод p2pool`a для BCC?

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Quote from: ChicagoCryptocurrency on August 29, 2017, 06:58:18 PM

Bitcoin Cash can I mine it with p2pool
Not yet. I've been working on adding support for it to jtoomimnet, but it's only about 40% done.
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Здравствуйте, уважаемые криптоГуру! На днях поставил p2pool, выдаёт одни нули....

2017-08-31 10:24:38.562483  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-08-31 10:24:53.563710 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/0 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-08-31 10:24:53.563896  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-08-31 10:25:08.566298 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/0 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-08-31 10:25:08.566479  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???

на мой взгляд, так быть не должно. Так ли это, и если да, то как можно подправить?

litecoind и p2pool свежие, настройки полностью от isawa

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Здравствуйте, уважаемые криптоГуру! На днях поставил p2pool, выдаёт одни нули....

2017-08-31 10:24:38.562483  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-08-31 10:24:53.563710 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/0 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-08-31 10:24:53.563896  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-08-31 10:25:08.566298 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/0 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-08-31 10:25:08.566479  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???

на мой взгляд, так быть не должно. Так ли это, и если да, то как можно подправить?

litecoind и p2pool свежие, настройки полностью от isawa

У тебя он не соединился с другими нодами. Покопай в эту сторону.. Или с портами не так или с файрволами.. Как только найдет пиры и качнет шары - все заработает. Попробуй добавить ноды известные тебе руками в /p2pool/p2pool/networks/litecoin.py

Изменено пользователем Alard
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Толи лыжи не едут, толи одно из двух. Который день бодаюсь с форком, не могу запустить ноду после сегвитов и т.п.

Ну во-первых, поставил новую версию демона битка 1.14.5



2017-08-31 14:13:37 Bitcoin version v1.14.5

2017-08-31 14:13:37 InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> setting -whitelistre

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Assuming ancestors of block 00000000000000000013176bf8d7dfeab4e1db31dc93bc311b436e82ab226b90 ha

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Prune configured to target 1024MiB on disk for block and undo files.

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Default data directory /.bitcoin

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using data directory /home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using config file /root/bitcoin.conf

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using at most 125 automatic connections (1000000 file descriptors available)

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using 32 MiB out of 32 requested for signature cache, able to store 1048576 elements

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using 2 threads for script verification

2017-08-31 14:13:37 scheduler thread start

2017-08-31 14:13:37 HTTP: creating work queue of depth 64

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Config options rpcuser and rpcpassword will soon be deprecated. Locally-run instances may remov

2017-08-31 14:13:37 HTTP: starting 4 worker threads

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using wallet wallet.dat

2017-08-31 14:13:37 init message: Verifying wallet...

2017-08-31 14:13:37 CDBEnv::Open: LogDir=/home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/database ErrorFile=/home/root2pool/data/bitco

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Bound to [::]:8333

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Bound to

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Cache configuration:

2017-08-31 14:13:37 * Using 2.0MiB for block index database

2017-08-31 14:13:37 * Using 8.0MiB for chain state database

2017-08-31 14:13:37 * Using 440.0MiB for in-memory UTXO set (plus up to 286.1MiB of unused mempool space)

2017-08-31 14:13:37 init message: Loading block index...

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Opening LevelDB in /home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/blocks/index

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Opened LevelDB successfully

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using obfuscation key for /home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/blocks/index: 0000000000000000

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Opening LevelDB in /home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/chainstate

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Opened LevelDB successfully

2017-08-31 14:13:37 Using obfuscation key for /home/root2pool/data/bitcoin/chainstate: 3f2d444540838ba4

2017-08-31 14:13:40 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 983

2017-08-31 14:13:40 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=75, size=74714266, heights=482725

2017-08-31 14:13:40 Checking all blk files are present...

2017-08-31 14:13:40 LoadBlockIndexDB(): Block files have previously been pruned

2017-08-31 14:13:40 LoadBlockIndexDB: transaction index disabled

2017-08-31 14:13:40 LoadBlockIndexDB: hashBestChain=0000000000000000004a1f69e6c4eb4f6f45f52bd06a8361001b74e4da48dd9

2017-08-31 14:13:40 init message: Rewinding blocks...

2017-08-31 14:13:41 init message: Verifying blocks...

2017-08-31 14:13:41 Verifying last 6 blocks at level 3

2017-08-31 14:13:41 [0%]...[16%]...[33%]...[50%]...[66%]...[83%]...[99%]...[DONE].

2017-08-31 14:13:51 No coin database inconsistencies in last 7 blocks (13091 transactions)

2017-08-31 14:13:51  block index           13665ms

2017-08-31 14:13:51 init message: Loading wallet...

2017-08-31 14:13:51 nFileVersion = 1140500

2017-08-31 14:13:51 Keys: 105 plaintext, 0 encrypted, 105 w/ metadata, 105 total

2017-08-31 14:13:51  wallet                    6ms

2017-08-31 14:13:51 setKeyPool.size() = 100

2017-08-31 14:13:51 mapWallet.size() = 0

2017-08-31 14:13:51 mapAddressBook.size() = 4

2017-08-31 14:13:51 Unsetting NODE_NETWORK on prune mode

2017-08-31 14:13:51 init message: Pruning blockstore...


Закачал с чистого листа исходник ноды:

git clone -b lowmem https://github.com/jtoomim/p2pool.git
Чуть подправил ~/p2pool-fork/p2pool/bitcoin/networks/bitcoin.py для усеченного (pruned) блокчейна. Заменил это место.

RPC_CHECK = defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda bitcoind: defer.returnValue(
            'bitcoin' in (yield bitcoind.rpc_help()) and
            not (yield bitcoind.rpc_getinfo())['testnet']
Подправил ~/p2pool-fork/p2pool/networks/bitcoin.py выделенные настройки кода, чтобы нода не пересекалась с классикой.

from p2pool.bitcoin import networks

# CHAIN_LENGTH = number of shares back client keeps
# REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH = maximum number of shares back client uses to compute payout
# REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH must be changed in sync with all other clients
# changes can be done by changing one, then the other

PARENT = networks.nets['bitcoin']
SHARE_PERIOD = 30 # seconds
CHAIN_LENGTH = 24*60*60//10 # shares
REAL_CHAIN_LENGTH = 24*60*60//10 # shares
TARGET_LOOKBEHIND = 200 # shares
SPREAD = 3 # blocks
IDENTIFIER = 'fc70035c7a81bc6f'.decode('hex')
PREFIX = '2472ef181efcd37b'.decode('hex')
P2P_PORT = 9335 // <- изменён порт
MAX_TARGET = 2**256//2**32 - 1
WORKER_PORT = 9334 // <- изменён порт
BOOTSTRAP_ADDRS = 'ml.toom.im low-doa.mine.nu crypto.office-on-the.net:9335'.split(' ')  // <- изменёны опорные ноды
VERSION_CHECK = lambda v: None if 100000 <= v else 'Bitcoin version too old. Upgrade to 0.11.2 or newer!' # not a b
VERSION_WARNING = lambda v: None
SOFTFORKS_REQUIRED = set(['bip65', 'csv'])
MINIMUM_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 3200 # 1700 is currently used by the segwit support PR; we need to refuse to connect to
В результате пока получил вот такой протокол:




2017-09-01 09:44:36.264861 p2pool (version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty)
2017-09-01 09:44:36.264971
2017-09-01 09:44:36.265057 Testing bitcoind RPC connection to '' with username 'bitcoinrpc'...
2017-09-01 09:44:36.716807     ...success!
2017-09-01 09:44:36.716927     Current block hash: abaa67f5d9278ceae8b8d89f6f97b79daf13da85ee277d
2017-09-01 09:44:36.716983     Current block height: 482930
2017-09-01 09:44:36.717029
2017-09-01 09:44:36.717088 Testing bitcoind P2P connection to ''...
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720044     ...success!
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720154
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720226 Determining payout address...
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720360     ...success! Payout address: 1CB7w7983Ln71H3JWSnow2ZyWxy3Q9ihnH
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720412
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720468 Loading shares...
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720635 Share loading took 0.000 seconds
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720694     ...done loading 0 shares (0 verified)!
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720739
2017-09-01 09:44:36.720785 Initializing work...
2017-09-01 09:44:36.929227     ...success!
2017-09-01 09:44:36.929349
2017-09-01 09:44:36.929411 Joining p2pool network using port 9335...
2017-09-01 09:44:37.091960     ...success!
2017-09-01 09:44:37.092068
2017-09-01 09:44:37.092324 Listening for workers on '' port 9334...
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106140     ...success!
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106244
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106315 Started successfully!
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106373 Go to to view graphs and statistics!
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106430 Donating 0.0% of work towards P2Pool's development. Please donate to encourage further development of P2Pool!
2017-09-01 09:44:37.106479
2017-09-01 09:44:37.123812 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 09:44:38.287918 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:44:38.288073 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:44:38.920527 Peer sent entire transaction 9c7df06b3987ea9098089a44b436162a9c8cca7158d6c26a79518c385c992a83 that was already received
2017-09-01 09:44:40.215506 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:44:40.215665 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: was connected to self
2017-09-01 09:44:40.215732 Bad peer banned: ('', 38858)
2017-09-01 09:44:40.216204 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:44:40.216300 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: was connected to self
2017-09-01 09:44:40.216361 Bad peer banned: ('', 9335)
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288147 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version unknown 7032706f6f6c2d627463
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288306 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288383 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288667 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288734 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288872 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:44:55.288934 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:44:57.123944 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-4-g68f653f
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124105 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124172 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124432 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124516 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124637 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:44:57.124699 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:02.849227 Peer sent entire transaction 7b0c023e8f590cbdcbc1f085dd8b2f0a3a5619d28fa850b49376060df43ddbe3 that was already received
2017-09-01 09:45:07.106754 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:45:07.106883  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:45:37.107152 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:45:37.107286  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:45:44.980316 Peer says protocol version is 1600, client version 16.0-4-gde1be30-dirty
2017-09-01 09:45:44.980510 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:45:44.980593 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:44.980902 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:44.980984 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:44.981136 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:44.981205 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:47.142257 Peer says protocol version is 3301, client version 15.0-65-g415946a
2017-09-01 09:45:47.142413 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3301 '15.0-65-g415946a'
2017-09-01 09:45:47.359437 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 09:45:58.168869 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.1-2-g3727835
2017-09-01 09:45:58.169116 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:45:58.169262 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:58.169734 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:58.169884 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:58.170405 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:58.170554 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900173 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.1
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900327 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900410 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900718 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900794 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:45:58.900946 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:45:58.901015 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:46:07.107655 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:46:07.107779  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:46:37.108029 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:46:37.108149  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:47:04.509408 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0
2017-09-01 09:47:04.509727 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:47:04.509912 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:47:06.663113 > Peer referenced unknown transaction fe5c8368dd86a254e2214b782d8db32a0b009ff83c5797f17d66bac3f9368f53, disconnecting
2017-09-01 09:47:06.663655 Lost peer - Connection was aborted locally, using.
2017-09-01 09:47:07.108416 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:47:07.108546  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:47:14.783577 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:47:14.783790 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:47:15.551648 Peer sent entire transaction 9c7df06b3987ea9098089a44b436162a9c8cca7158d6c26a79518c385c992a83 that was already received
2017-09-01 09:47:37.108832 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:47:37.108996  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:48:04.506217 Peer says protocol version is 3301, client version 15.0-65-g415946a-dirty
2017-09-01 09:48:04.506377 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3301 '15.0-65-g415946a-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:48:04.588628 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 09:48:07.109324 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:48:07.109455  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:48:08.345122 > Peer referenced unknown transaction fd68eca0769ab31082a85af5874f1cf1261161da49c8bc23f698c8130bc1eac8, disconnecting
2017-09-01 09:48:08.345653 Lost peer - Connection was aborted locally, using.
2017-09-01 09:48:16.481090 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:48:16.481245 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:48:17.077020 Peer sent entire transaction 9c7df06b3987ea9098089a44b436162a9c8cca7158d6c26a79518c385c992a83 that was already received
2017-09-01 09:48:37.109694 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:48:37.109810  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:49:07.110037 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:49:07.110159  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:49:37.110402 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:49:37.110515  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:50:07.110907 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:50:07.111030  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:50:21.060557 Peer sent entire transaction 8ef1923ea26f32fb530e4e00a12922916de40ea3f994f8af6ca0976e77a05dbf that was already received
2017-09-01 09:50:37.111268 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:50:37.111386  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:51:07.111661 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:51:07.111781  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:51:13.747043 Peer says protocol version is 1600, client version 16.0-4-gde1be30-dirty
2017-09-01 09:51:13.747215 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:51:13.747286 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:13.747767 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:13.747842 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:13.748005 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:13.748074 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:25.495924 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 15.0-33-g519486f-dirty
2017-09-01 09:51:25.496191 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:51:25.496311 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:25.496765 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:25.496881 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:25.497135 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:25.497243 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:28.812584 Peer says protocol version is 1600, client version 16.0-4-gde1be30
2017-09-01 09:51:28.812743 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:51:28.812814 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:28.813078 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:28.813146 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:28.813295 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:51:28.813358 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:51:37.111972 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:51:37.112091  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:52:07.112334 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:52:07.112457  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:52:23.170344 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 09:52:37.113554 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:52:37.113719  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:52:39.218667 Peer says protocol version is 3301, client version 16.0-7-gb0d472e-dirty
2017-09-01 09:52:39.218866 Outgoing connection to peer established. p2pool version: 3301 '16.0-7-gb0d472e-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:52:39.255720 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 09:53:07.114000 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:53:07.114121  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:53:27.324599 > Peer referenced unknown transaction 2747ba5165a074b10d5aea863dc76a3ab26938f2981d8cd1dc23ec59c0d6b0f7, disconnecting
2017-09-01 09:53:27.325148 Lost peer - Connection was aborted locally, using.
2017-09-01 09:53:30.591826 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 09:53:30.591982 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 09:53:31.205338 Peer sent entire transaction f990aed6ce0b3e2b7ef3888a923ed78e2efd01f2dc0243cdbdfbb6d6e1c8c545 that was already received
2017-09-01 09:53:37.114646 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:53:37.114751  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:54:07.114984 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:54:07.115105  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:54:37.115865 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:54:37.116004  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:55:07.116251 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:55:07.116378  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:55:19.486771 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 09:55:37.132183 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:55:37.132422  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:56:07.132905 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:56:07.133120  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:56:37.139144 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:56:37.139260  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:57:07.139684 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:57:07.140038  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:57:28.385871 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-4-g68f653f
2017-09-01 09:57:28.386027 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:57:28.386098 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:57:37.140421 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:57:37.140572  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:58:07.140802 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:58:07.140929  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:58:19.508651 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-4-g68f653f-dirty
2017-09-01 09:58:19.508810 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:58:19.508877 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:58:19.509138 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:58:19.509206 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:58:19.509358 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:58:19.509422 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:58:37.141412 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:58:37.141763  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:58:45.819693 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-2-gbc2d09e
2017-09-01 09:58:45.819864 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 09:58:45.819933 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:58:45.820206 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:58:45.820272 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:58:45.820424 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 09:58:45.820487 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 09:59:07.142206 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:59:07.142333  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:59:37.142589 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 09:59:37.142716  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 09:59:59.998906 Peer sent entire transaction a864afeb59de63b123795f0b73d5b554f4b426bf13da8f4e30211deaf9d437b0 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:00:07.143024 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:00:07.143147  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:00:37.143417 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:00:37.143567  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:01:07.143893 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:01:07.144016  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:01:24.208149 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 10:01:37.144270 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:01:37.144386  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:01:59.531417 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-4-g68f653f-dirty
2017-09-01 10:01:59.531591 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 10:01:59.531663 Bad peer banned: ('', 5970)
2017-09-01 10:01:59.531943 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 10:01:59.532014 Bad peer banned: ('', 5970)
2017-09-01 10:01:59.532170 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 10:01:59.532236 Bad peer banned: ('', 5970)
2017-09-01 10:02:07.144667 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:02:07.144798  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:02:35.772518 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-2-gbc2d09e-dirty
2017-09-01 10:02:35.772681 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 10:02:35.772747 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 10:02:37.145077 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:02:37.145233  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:03:07.145561 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:03:07.145689  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:03:36.275083 Peer sent entire transaction 11ab6507d3d98585edc8c22db60db27a307d95f87d3f7ae8855cc8b661bead7e that was already received
2017-09-01 10:03:37.145880 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:03:37.145992  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:04:07.146293 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:04:07.146435  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:04:37.146831 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:04:37.146978  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:05:07.147365 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:05:07.147491  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:05:37.147760 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:05:37.147874  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:06:07.148358 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:06:07.148486  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:06:18.843074 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 10:06:37.148777 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:06:37.148887  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:07:07.149140 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:07:07.149264  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:07:18.035713 Peer says protocol version is 3301, client version 15.0-66-gf223000
2017-09-01 10:07:18.035896 Outgoing connection to peer established. p2pool version: 3301 '15.0-66-gf223000'
2017-09-01 10:07:18.070059 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:07:37.150353 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:07:37.150471  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:07:44.086187 Peer sent entire transaction 14d9986dd166b6f48800eb853155fbd373222a3e7d745c77a43c2253a64d34e1 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:07:45.089551 Peer sent entire transaction fe49241c33be66af0c2938ca0ba5b45a79a35a939b27440385dbad5b7579cfb9 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:08:07.150779 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:08:07.150916  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:08:37.153486 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:08:37.153601  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:09:07.154184 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:09:07.154316  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:09:37.154532 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:09:37.154650  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:09:45.953433 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:09:47.348202 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 10:09:47.348362 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 10:09:47.885656 Peer sent entire transaction a79b31fe8c0ba725662ed0537ff8d50179263dc662555662afb29bc361bbea93 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:10:01.665655 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:10:07.154901 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:10:07.155026  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:10:13.885396 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:10:37.155231 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:10:37.155344  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:11:07.155680 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:11:07.155837  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:11:32.438436 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:11:37.156626 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:11:37.156784  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:11:50.146932 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 10:11:50.147085 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 10:11:50.659465 Peer sent entire transaction a79b31fe8c0ba725662ed0537ff8d50179263dc662555662afb29bc361bbea93 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:12:07.157244 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:12:07.157366  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:12:10.576386 Peer sent entire transaction d755740196dda7019785a6702d0e9b7760e8257816b70f48ab3e32d6931310e1 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:12:11.654229 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 10:12:31.629594 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:12:37.157578 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:12:37.157691  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:13:07.158345 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:13:07.158471  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:13:21.572565 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:13:26.107964 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:13:32.595473 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 10:13:32.595636 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 10:13:34.090264 Peer sent entire transaction 49f79b405c4210a6d50b94719a95fb18706bc37d4675f50cf9ac7e7de4baff22 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:13:37.160020 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:13:37.160274  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:14:07.160687 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:14:07.160812  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:14:37.161040 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:14:37.161155  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:15:07.161512 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:15:07.161635  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:15:37.162207 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:15:37.162381  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:15:37.500661 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:16:07.162660 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:16:07.162788  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:16:13.761838 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:16:23.668327 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 10:16:23.668488 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 10:16:24.416802 Peer sent entire transaction 8637a668f79ff9b1d4c327309e523a7b2a227d251556723f989d10df40766d68 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:16:33.276402 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:16:37.163231 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:16:37.163340  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:16:44.144670 Got new merged mining work!
2017-09-01 10:17:07.163649 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:17:07.163775  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:17:37.164394 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:17:37.164523  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:18:00.369187 Lost peer - Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
2017-09-01 10:18:07.164944 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:18:07.165065  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:18:37.165509 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 0 (0 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:18:37.165621  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???
2017-09-01 10:18:46.414289 Peer says protocol version is 3200, client version 15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty
2017-09-01 10:18:46.414445 Incoming connection from peer established. p2pool version: 3200 '15.0-47-gaf1f8b1-dirty'
2017-09-01 10:18:47.225169 Peer sent entire transaction 8637a668f79ff9b1d4c327309e523a7b2a227d251556723f989d10df40766d68 that was already received
2017-09-01 10:18:51.591514 Handshake timed out, disconnecting from
2017-09-01 10:18:58.565485 Peer says protocol version is 1700, client version 17.0-2-gbc2d09e-dirty
2017-09-01 10:18:58.565650 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: peer too old
2017-09-01 10:18:58.565720 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 10:18:58.566026 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 10:18:58.566096 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 10:18:58.566256 Peer misbehaving, will drop and ban. Reason: first message was not version message
2017-09-01 10:18:58.566322 Bad peer banned: ('', 9333)
2017-09-01 10:19:07.165870 P2Pool: 0 shares in chain (0 verified/1 total) Peers: 1 (1 incoming)
2017-09-01 10:19:07.165994  Local: 0H/s in last 0.0 seconds Local dead on arrival: ??? Expected time to share: ???



Вроде процесс идёт, но шарЫ не синхронизируются. В соответствующей папке создались только файлы: addrs, graph_db, ready_flag. Файлы с шарАми не появились.

Дайте пожалуйста направление в какую сторону рыть.

Изменено пользователем AndreyNag
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Запустил 17 п2пул, шары очень долго не закачивались. Оставил комп сам с собой... через час пул работал как ни в чем не бывало.

Изменено пользователем KakNub
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Что-то с форк-нодой никак у меня не получается. Уже несколько дней не синхронится ни с кем.

IDENTIFIER = 'fc70035c7a81bc6f'.decode('hex')
PREFIX = '2472ef181efcd37b'.decode('hex')

надо подкрутить?

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jtoomimnet http://crypto.mine.nu:9334 не отображает найденные блок. 3 дня назад был найден блок https://blockchain.info/block-index/1626545

12.5BTC + награда за транзакции 2.6513745 BTC

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Что-то с форк-нодой никак у меня не получается. Уже несколько дней не синхронится ни с кем.


IDENTIFIER = 'fc70035c7a81bc6f'.decode('hex')
PREFIX = '2472ef181efcd37b'.decode('hex')
надо подкрутить?


Мне кажется ты неправильно ставишь.

Надо так:

git clone https://github.com/jtoomim/p2pool
cd p2pool
git checkout 1mb_segwit

И кошель к нему btc1 ставить https://github.com/btc1/bitcoin

Изменено пользователем ISawa
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Мне кажется ты неправильно ставишь. Надо так:

Я вместо 1mb_segwit ставил lowmem. Из-за этого не стреляло. Подключился в правильную ветку и всё заработало как надо.

Добро пожаловать mnogoblokov.mine.nu:9334

Изменено пользователем AndreyNag
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  • 2 недели спустя...

Что на счёт обновлений от jtoomim https://github.com/jtoomim/p2pool/releases/tag/33.3?

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Сеть jtoomimnet п2пула BTC нашла блок 2 дня назад https://blockchain.info/block/00000000000000000096cef4bfd159307030923b0111acd39bfb6561b277a375
У меня на сервере это нода http://crypto.mine.nu:9334

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Вырисовывается частота получения блоков
2017-09-06 https://blockchain.info/block-index/1623297
2017-09-18 https://blockchain.info/block-index/1625414
12 дней на блок при скорости п2пула 2 петахеша и прогнозе 28 дней. Очень хорошая удача.

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здравствуйте! Всё пытаюсь поставить p2pool. при запуске смущают такие строки:


2017-09-23 12:02:45.854943 Joining p2pool network using port 9338...
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failure: twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError: DNS lookup failed: vps.forre.st.

Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failure: twisted.internet.error.DNSLookupError: DNS lookup failed: litecoin-p2pool.com.


пробовал корректировку файла litecoin.py


BOOTSTRAP_ADDRS = 'forre.st vps.forre.st litecoin-p2pool.com 78.27.1.........


BOOTSTRAP_ADDRS = ' 78.27.1..

 т.е. удалил буквы оставил только цифры.

при таком варианте пул стартует как-будто без ошибок, но пиров всё равно не находит.


netstat -natp | grep 9338 выдаёт результат:


tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      2779/pypy           
tcp        0      1       SYN_SENT    2779/pypy           
tcp        0      1     SYN_SENT    2779/pypy           
tcp        0      1       SYN_SENT    2779/pypy           
tcp        0      1     SYN_SENT    2779/pypy           
tcp        0      1        SYN_SENT    2779/pypy

подскажите, пожалуйста, что можно сделать?

Изменено пользователем DOD47
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подскажите, пожалуйста, что можно сделать?

Взять и вписать адреса реальных, существующих узлов.

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Взять и вписать адреса реальных, существующих узлов.


где их можно взять?

подскажите несколько

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где их можно взять?

подскажите несколько

Вот здесь есть сканер нод лайткоина: https://p2pool.coinpool.pw/

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Вот здесь есть сканер нод лайткоина: https://p2pool.coinpool.pw/

адреса узлов с портом 9327?

о чём говорит такая строка:

handshake timed out, disconnecting from ?

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В 24.09.2017 в 20:22, DOD47 сказал:

адреса узлов с портом 9327?

о чём говорит такая строка:

handshake timed out, disconnecting from ?

О том что не удалось соединиться длительное время.
А адреса указывай без порта.

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Ткните пожалуйста носом где я сделал не так?
лайтовая нода ругается: 


Starting P2Pool LTC
2017-09-27 23:07:14.069849 p2pool (version ff1c594-dirty)
2017-09-27 23:07:14.069980
2017-09-27 23:07:14.070118 Testing bitcoind RPC connection to '' with username 'litecoinrpc'...
2017-09-27 23:07:14.074981 >     Check failed! Make sure that you're connected to the right bitcoind with --bitcoind-rpc-port!
2017-09-27 23:07:15.078645 >     Check failed! Make sure that you're connected to the right bitcoind with --bitcoind-rpc-port!
2017-09-27 23:07:16.082887 >     Check failed! Make sure that you're connected to the right bitcoind with --bitcoind-rpc-port!
2017-09-27 23:07:17.086422 >     Check failed! Make sure that you're connected to the right bitcoind with --bitcoind-rpc-port!


В строке запуска ноды вот так:


 DAEMON_ARGS="/home/p2pool/p2pool-ltc/run_p2pool.py --give-author 0 -w 9327 --net litecoin --bitcoind-rpc-port 7332 --bitcoind-p2p-port 7333 litecoinrpc ltcpass -a XXXXXXXXX --datadir /home/p2pool/data-ltc --logfile /home/p2pool/data-ltc/p2pool-ltc.log --fee 2 --max-conns 50 --outgoing-conns 9"


Демон запускаю с параметрами:






В параметрах ноды ~/p2pool-ltc/p2pool/bitcoin/networks/litecoin.py порты оставил по умолчанию:


import os
import platform

from twisted.internet import defer

from .. import data, helper
from p2pool.util import pack

P2P_PREFIX = 'fbc0b6db'.decode('hex')
P2P_PORT = 7333
RPC_PORT = 7332
#RPC_CHECK = defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda bitcoind: defer.returnValue(
#        (yield helper.check_genesis_block(bitcoind, '12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04b
#        )) лямбду заменил, чтобы не качать всю цепочку
RPC_CHECK = defer.inlineCallbacks(lambda bitcoind: defer.returnValue(
            'bitcoin' in (yield bitcoind.rpc_help()) and
            not (yield bitcoind.rpc_getinfo())['testnet']
SUBSIDY_FUNC = lambda height: 50*100000000 >> (height + 1)//840000
POW_FUNC = lambda data: pack.IntType(256).unpack(__import__('ltc_scrypt').getPoWHash(data))
BLOCK_PERIOD = 150 # s
CONF_FILE_FUNC = lambda: os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'Litecoin') if platform.system() == 'Wind
BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX = 'http://explorer.litecoin.net/block/'
ADDRESS_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX = 'http://explorer.litecoin.net/address/'
TX_EXPLORER_URL_PREFIX = 'http://explorer.litecoin.net/tx/'
SANE_TARGET_RANGE = (2**256//1000000000 - 1, 2**256//1000 - 1)

Спасибо за внимание.

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Что-то в последних версиях лайткоина натворили с RPC портом попробуй такой конфиг:


pruned не пойдёт,
Исходники бери у меня https://github.com/ilsawa/p2pool-ltc

Порты, естественно на свои поправь

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