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Bitcoin Stash (BSH) | Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork | Merged Mining


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Download Bitcoin Stash wallet binary files from our GitHub page (Windows & Linux):

Uncompress the downloaded zip file (.tar.gz file for Linux) and double-click on bitcoin-qt file under the bin folder to run the Bitcoin Stash GUI Wallet.

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Bitcoin Stash Merged Mining Guide:

Official Website: https://bstash.org
Forum: https://forum.bstash.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitcoinstash
Medium: https://medium.com/@bitcoinstash


Bitcoin Stash

The Bitcoin Stash team is comprised of a group of former Bitcoin Cash developers and community members that have become dismayed at the current outlook of BCH. We are sure that you are aware, but a multitude of factors show that there is disaster on the horizon for Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin ABC is proposing a contentious hard fork for no reason, Craig “Faketoshi” Wright is moving ahead to fork his own coin (Bitcoin SV) out of self interest, and Bitmain has revealed an extremely large BCH holding which they intend to rid themselves of in their now controversial IPO.

As we see it, a price and hashrate collapse of the chain is inevitable. We have decided that we must take action now, to rid ourselves forever from the bad actors that plague this chain. We are planning to hard fork from Bitcoin Cash on November 15th. With the hard fork, we will not be increasing the maximum block size or following the tokenization/ICO platform roadmap of Bitcoin ABC. However, Bitcoin Stash will be implementing replay protection and continue using the SHA-256 mining algorithm. Additionally, Bitcoin Stash will incorporate merged mining with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

With merged mining, Bitcoin Stash will solve the security issues that currently hamper Bitcoin Cash. As a minority chain, Bitcoin Cash is struggling to obtain substantial hash rate, and this has only been made worse following its recent decline in price. As of 9/25/18, the hash rate of Bitcoin Cash only totals about 6% of that of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Cash hash rate has been continuously declining ever since a peak of roughly 15% of Bitcoin’s back in May of 2018, and we do not see this situation improving. Merged mining will lead to Bitcoin Stash obtaining a much needed higher hash rate since the chain will consist of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Bitcoin Stash miners.

As a result, there will be three benefits that will be immediately realized. First, Bitcoin Stash will be less susceptible to a 51% attack which has recently plagued other chains such as Bitcoin Gold and Verge. Second, a single entity such as Jihan Wu’s Bitmain or Craig Wright’s CoinGeek will have a difficult time forcing any consensus breaking changes as they now must muster a much higher hash rate to do so. And thirdly, merged mining will also increase security on Bitcoin since miners will see greater profitability and will no longer have to choose between mining one chain and missing out on the other. Because of this, Bitcoin Stash will not only be a more secure and decentralized version of Bitcoin Cash, but it will also benefit the current miners of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

After the fork, Bitcoin Cash holders will be able to obtain an equivalent amount of our coins if they hold the private keys to their wallet.

Source: Inside Bitcoins

Merged Mining
Bitcoin Stash is a merge mineable cryptocurrency that utilizes SHA256 for its mining algorithm. This means that it can be merge mined with other SHA256 coins like Bitcoin an Bitcoin Cash. Merge mining is a process where a miner is able to mine multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time. All that is required for a miner is to add 48 bytes of data to the coinbase of the parent block.


Replay Protection
Bitcoin Stash will be implementing replay protection to keep our transactions safe post-fork.

Source Code


What is Bitcoin Stash?
Bitcoin Stash is a hardfork of Bitcoin Cash to combat the interests of the Bitcoin Cash leaders.

If I have Bitcoin Cash will I get Bitcoin Stash?
Yes, as long as you control the private keys. If your Bitcoin Cash is held on exchanges, you may or may not receive Bitcoin Stash depending on what the exchanges decide to do with them.

When did the hardfork occur?
November 15th, 2018 at approximately 4:40 PM GMT.

Will Bitcoin Stash be secure?
Yes, Bitcoin Stash will offer replay protection and should operate with a higher hashrate than any BCH chain.

Is Bitcoin Stash an ICO?
No, Bitcoin Stash is not an ICO. It is a decentralized hardfork of Bitcoin Cash.

Does Bitcoin Stash have a White Paper?
Yes, Bitcoin Stash will be using the original Satoshi Nakamoto white paper for a full peer-to-peer version of electronic cash. One can read this whitepaper here.

What algorithm will be used to mine Bitcoin Stash?

What is Merged Mining?
Merged Mining allows miners to simultaneously mine Bitcoin Stash and one of Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash with little to no extra energy usage. In turn, this will provide a greater incentive to miners and increase the hashrate and security of Bitcoin Stash.

Is Bitcoin Stash, Bitcoin Cash?
No. Bitcoin Stash is Bitcoin Stash, and Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin Cash.

Will Bitcoin Stash offer Replay Protection?
Yes. Bitcoin Stash will be implementing replay protection to keep our transactions safe post-fork.

Where can I read more about Bitcoin Stash?
Feel free to check out our Twitter or Medium to read more from our development team!

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